BOHO Décor was granted a Certificate of eligibility to conduct business in Fire Prevention and Fighting services in many fields on November 22, 2023.
The BOHO team has dedicated efforts to consolidate and enhance our expertise in fire prevention and fighting. Moreover, we ensure the safety of facilities, machinery, equipment, production processes, and quality control, thereby instilling confidence in our customers regarding their safety.
This certification not only enhances BOHO’s capabilities and broadens our service spectrum but also shows that BOHO has sufficient human resources, equipment, and compliance with legal regulations.
This positions us to participate in providing services related to:
– Production and assembly of fire doors
– Construction and installation of fire protection systems
– Trading in fire prevention and fighting equipment, tools, and materials
– Design consulting and supervision consulting on fire protection
We understand that standardizing production, construction, and quality control processes is not only a challenge but also an opportunity for us to improve service quality.
BOHO will always continuously update and improve knowledge and experience, facilities, machinery, and equipment to ensure providing the best service to customers and comply with legal regulations.